45 yr old pt with melena

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.
Case presentation:
45 yr male patient presented to the opd with 
C/o : generalized weakness since 6months, increased since one week 
Black coloured stools since 6 months  

Abdominal distension since 6 months, increased since one week .

pain and burning sensation in the epigastrium since 6months .. increase with food intake , associated with vomiting, immediately after food intake . 

loss of appetite since 6 months 

 Progressive Loss of weight since 6 months 

Fever since 6 months, continuous , reduced with medication, low grade , . 

constipation since 6months .once in 3 days .

Giddiness since 6 months.. , h/o fall due to giddiness and no h/o loss of consciousness 

Pedal edema since 3 months .. pitting the from ankle to knee . 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back , then the patient developed 

Black coloured stools, associated with constipation, patient passed stools once In 3 days . Associated with pain abdomen in the epgastruim since 6 months. , increased after taking food .

Patient had history of vomitings , non bilious, non projectile, contains food particles,, immediately after taking food , associated with pain in the epigastrium, and pain relieved after vomitings.. 

Patient had abdominal distension since 6months , on and off . Not associated with pedal edema(grade 2) b/l from ankle to knee , pitting type.. Associated with facial puffiness on and of. 

Patient complains of fatigue , generalized weakness and generalized body pains since 6months, associated with giddiness .And has history of fall due to giddiness 3months back , with no history of loc. 

Patient is not able to do his regular agriculture work due to the illness 
Patient is a k/c/o chronic alcoholic since 3year, consumes 36oml of whiskey ,cheap liquor daily . 
not a smoker

Pateint has h/o bleeding per rectum one year back for 8 months and then he was diagnosed with piles and was operated and the bleeding was relieved. 

Patient is not a k/c/o htn , dm , asthma, epilepsy, thyroid disease 

Diet :mixed by
appetite: normal
Bladder and bowels:constipation since one year . Micturation normal .

addictions: alcoholic since 3 yrs,takes 360 ml of whiskey daily(cheap liquor)
BP:100/70 mm of hg

General examinations :
pt is conscious,coherent and cooperative

pallor present 
Icterus:mild yellowish discoloration 
Pedal edema present  
no cyanosis,clubbing

Temporal wasting see

The muscles of both and ul and LL are wasted 

Git;: surgical scar of appendectomy seen abdomen tense , mild distended

Tenderness in epigastrium and rt hypochondrium 

No organomegaly


bae +
Breath sound decreased in 
Rt mamarry and infra mammary area 
And left sub scapular and isa.

Vocal fremitus decreased in left infra scapular and sub scapular area.

Cvs :s1 s2 heard
CNS:no abnormality detected
provisional diagnosis:ca stomach

inj pantop 40 mg iv/bd
inj.zofer 4mg iv/bd
inj.optineuron 1amp in 100 NS iv/bd
syp lactulose 10 ml po/tid
protein powder 2 tbsn in 1 glass of milk/tid
plenty of oral fluids
BP,PR,Temp,,spO2 monitoring


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