47 yr old male with sepsis

 is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Case presentation:
47 yrs old male patient came to casualty with complaints C/O burning micturition since 15 days C/O fever , since 10 days 
vomitings since 3 days 
C/O pain abdomen, since yesterday ,in right hypochondrium,epigastric  and right lumbar region 
History of present illness:

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back,then complains C/O burning micturition since 15 days,no pain during micturition,
C/O fever ,high grade since 10 days associated with chills, relieved on medication ,there is evng rise of temp.
vomitings since 3 days 10 to 12 episodes/ day 
Bilious vomitings not associated with food particles  not associated with blood ,non projectile
C/O pain abdomen, since yesterday ,in right hypochondrium,epigastric  and right lumbar region relieved on medication,

Past history:
Known case of DM type 2 since 3 years, on tab metformin 500 mg od ,got diagnosed when he was admitted in hospital for renal calculi.
H/o TB 4 years back used ATT for 9 months 
Known case of renal caliculi 3 years back ,for which Surgery was done 
Family history:
No history of DM, HTN CAD, CVA, asthma in the family
Personal history: 
Appetite: normal
Bowels: regular 
Bladder- burning micturition
 Regular alcoholic since 20 yrs (90ml/day)
Tobacco chewer since 20 yrs 
General examination: patient is conscious, coherent, altered ( ? Alcohol withdrawal)
No Pallor 
No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,lymphadenopathy, edema
Temperature: 98.9F
Pulse: 80bpm
Respiratory rate: 19/ min
Bp: 100/60mm hg
Spo2: 98% at RA
GRBS: 85 mg%
Systemic examination: 
Cvs: S1 S2 heard no additional sounds or murmurs
Abdomen: soft,non tender,no organomegaly
Cns: no focal neurological deficit
Provisional diagnosis:acute rt sided pyelonephritis
?Sepsis secondary to pyelonephritis
ecg on 22/12
ecg on 23/12
Inj piptaz 4.5 gm stat,followed by inj piptaz 2.25 gm iv TID
Inj pan 40 mg IV/bd
Inj zofer 4 mg IV /bd
Inj metrogyl 500 mg IV/of
IVF 2 NS bolus followed by 125ml/hr
Inj piptaz 2.25 mg IV/TID
Inj metrogyl 100 ml iv TID
Inj pan 40 mg IV of
Inj zofer 4 mg IV TID
Inj lasix 20 mg IV bd,if bp>110mm of hg
Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml NS IV OD
Inj thiamine 1 amp in 100 NS IV bd
Infusion noradrenaline 2 amp in 49 ml NS at 15 ml/hr,titrate acc to bp
Infusion dopamine 1 amp in 45 ml NS at 2 ml/hr,titrate according to MAP,target MAp>65
IVF 2 N S,2 RL at 125ml/hr.
Inj piptaz 2.25 mg IV/TID
Inj metrogyl 100 ml iv TID
Inj pan 40 mg IV of
Inj zofer 4 mg IV TID
Inj lasix 20 mg IV bd,if bp>110mm of hg
Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml NS IV OD
Inj thiamine 1 amp in 100 NS IV bd
Infusion noradrenaline 2 amp in 49 ml NS at 14ml/hr,titrate acc to bp
Infusion dopamine 1 amp in 45 ml NS at 2 ml/hr,titrate according to MAP,target MAp>65
IVF 2 N S,2 RL at 125ml/hr.
Syp lactulose 10 ml PO/HS


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